The Definition

Grief is one of the most misunderstood life-changing emotions one can experience and not limited to only when death occurs.  Also, grief is the normal and natural reaction to loss.
Loss events include:

  • Death
  • Divorce
  • Health issues
  • Retirement
  • Moving
  • Pet loss
  • Financial losses
  • And many others

Many people who are grieving are frustrated with the lack of skill sets to effectively help them experience relief.

Holy Cross Hospice understands the great need people have for effective support to help them find relief.

The Problem

While grief is normal and natural response to loss, most of the information passed on within our society about dealing with grief is not helpful.  Grief is the emotional response to loss, but most of the information we have learned about dealing with loss is intellectual.

The majority of incorrect ideas about dealing with loss can be summed up in six myths which are so common that nearly everyone recognizes them.  Most people have never questioned whether or not they are valid.

Six Myths

  • Time Heals All Wounds
  • Grieve Alone
  • Be Strong
  • Don’t Feel Bad
  • Replace the Loss
  • Keep Busy

As an example, the myth “time heals all wounds” creates the idea that a person just has to wait and they will feel better.  This is false information and can create a sense of waiting to feel better.  Also, this may create a feeling of what is wrong with them when they don’t feel much better and have been told they will feel better with the passing of time.  The other five myths carry equally unhelpful messages.

The Solution

We are all advised to “Let Go,” and “Move On,” after losses of all kinds.  Most of us would do that if we knew how.  The necessary actions needed for one to let go and move on are taught in the Grief Recovery Method® Outreach Pro¬gram.  Holy Cross Hospice is committed to providing this solution for you.

Safety and Correct Actions

The Grief Recovery Method® Outreach Program provides the correct action choices that help people move beyond the pain caused by loss.  It is a nine-week program which creates a safe environment in which to look at old beliefs about dealing with loss, to look at what losses have affected your life, and to learn the necessary actions which will create long-term relief.

The Grief Recovery Handbook – The Action Program for Moving Beyond Death, Divorce, and Other Losses, including Health, Career, & Faith (released by HarperCollins in 2009), and an accompanying format, both written by John W. James and Russell Friedman, founders of The Grief Recovery Institute®, are used as texts for this Outreach Program.

Commitment and Attendance

The Grief Recovery Method® Outreach Program is not an occasional, drop-in group.  For the safety and success of all participants, commitment, and attendance are essential.  The usual fee for the program has been waived because Holy Cross Hospice is committed to providing this effective method for resolving grief.  We provide this program to our bereaved, as well as the community at no cost.

Also, Holy Cross Hospice provides Grief Recovery Outreach Seminar Overviews to help you determine if you would like to participate in one of the nine-week programs.

The Grief Recovery Method® Outreach Program is led by our bereavement coordinator, Sara Kazlauskas, who has been trained and certified by The Grief Recovery Institute®. We, at Holy Cross Hospice, are dedicated to making sure that we make a difference so you can get the support you deserve!

43 Losses

There are 43 losses which can produce the
range of emotions that we call grief.

The long list includes:

  • Death
  • Divorce or the end of a relationship
  • Loss of health
  • Major financial changes
  • Moving and many others

Grief is normal and natural but many of the ideas we have been taught about dealing with grief are not helpful.

Moving Beyond Loss

If you have experienced one or more losses, and you wish to move beyond the pain, this program offers you the probability of a richer and more rewarding life.

For information about the program, contact:
Sara Kazlauskas
Certified Grief Recovery Specialist®
Bereavement Coordinator

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